Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year, New Beginings.

1. 1. 2015_______________________________________the first day of the year, filled with promises and resolutions that a lot of us, or even most of us, know we will not keep. There are a lot of things that I do want to achieve this year, however, I will not go down that road again as I did every year of making resolutions and within the first week, I've already given up on them. One of the things however that I will promise to try my best at keeping to it, is getting organised. 

Waking up after one too many drinks from saying goodbye to 2014, I'm sure the last thing everybody is thinking about is getting organised and ways of planning. This is why I'm typing this post well in advance, before the family gatherings and celebrations and before any champagne is poured. 

What I've been looking forward to and what I believe will keep me motivated to plan ahead for events, or work, or anything I've got going on in my life is keeping a diary. I bought my diary ready for 2015 quite a few months ago so I figured, I'm already on the right track with planning ahead, right? 

I bought mine from Paperchase, of course. Fortunately, they do deliver to Cyprus, however shipping costs are pretty pricey. If you're visiting though, do make a quick stop in store (they're everywhere in the UK) and if you're anything like me when it comes to quirky, "artsy" decor and stationery you will fall in love... with everything! 

Browse through the selection and take your pick here.

I wish everyone the very best in the new year and remember:

'We cannot start over, but we can begin now and make a new ending.' Zig Ziglar

...just something to think about!  -S.

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